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Our Technology Platform

Latreia Coaching purposely focuses on integrating simple to use technology as a key component of its coaching platform. The Latreia Coaching Dashboard gives clients a central location to access an ever-growing treasure trove of their coaching experience. Accessible by any electronic device, clients now have everything they need at their fingertips to continue their professional development.

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The dashboard gives clients easy access to all of their coaching tools. The overview page provides clients a quick summary of what's next in their coaching journey as well as easy access to resources, notes, classes, and performance metrics. 



Clients receive links via email or text to complete a variety of worksheet exercises to help define high value goals and focus on business building activities. Within a few short minutes, worksheets can be completed that help professionals channel their energy to build a lasting impact on productivity and success. 

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Performance Metrics 

Upon completion of activity worksheets, performance metrics are piped to graphs that visually represent client performance. At a glance, clients and stakeholder alike can see the impact business activity drivers have on opportunities and outcomes. 


Course Curriculums

Clients are enrolled in one of several different programs offered by Latreia Coaching. Each course, delivered through the client coaching portal, prescribes daily or weekly activities specifically designed to help sales professionals reach their business goals. Latreia coaches are highly engaged and interact with clients regularly throughout their coaching journey.

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