God morning my brothers and sisters,
Here's hoping you are ending this week feeling like you made a difference, for you and others. Let's kick off today with a question…'Who are you? Are you called, or are you chosen?' Let these questions really make you think about your identity and purpose.
Understanding who you are means recognizing your values, strengths, your abilities, limitations and your passions. It’s about seeing the unique path you've walked and the experiences that have shaped you. Beyond just knowing yourself, there's often a deeper pull—a sense of calling.
Being called is about feeling a strong purpose, a direction you’re naturally drawn to. It's that inner voice that pushes you toward a path you can't ignore. Being chosen, on the other hand, means being set apart for something special, equipped with the skills and qualities needed for a specific mission.
In 2023, my business partner and I decided it was time to answer our calling and start our own firm after more than 25 years of working for others in the training and coaching industry. This wasn’t an easy decision, especially during one of the toughest years in the mortgage industry. But we felt a strong conviction, like we were meant to create a place where we could not only reach our own vocational goals but also make a real difference in other people's lives. We knew we were called to start this business and felt chosen to use the skills and experiences we’ve gathered. Our mission was clear… to challenge ones status quo and promote holistic success. We realized that true success isn’t just about career achievements; it’s about balancing your work with spiritual, relational, physical, and philanthropic well-being.
The best part has been seeing the changes in the people we have been privileged to work with. We’ve watched them grow in their careers, deepen their spiritual lives, strengthen their relationships, improve their health, and increase their charitable efforts. This journey has reminded us that our calling wasn't just about professional success, but about helping ourselves and others lead well-rounded, fulfilling lives.
This brings us to our Friday Fly-by word, and it comes from Ephesian 2:10 and it says…'For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.' Words to live by and to build your confidence in.
So, as you go about your day and into the weekend, think about your own journey. Are you feeling called to a certain path, or do you feel chosen for a unique purpose? Embrace the balance in all aspects of your life. Remember, we’re all created for good works, and true success touches every part of who we are. Hey everyone, I hope this brings you encouragement and purpose today. Here's to a day filled with purpose, balance, and a deep sense of fulfillment. As always, love you all and go be blessed and go be a blessing!
For more information or to inquire about our holistic coaching services, reach out to:
J.A. Dava, Co-founder, Sr. Coach at Jdava@latreiacoaching.com/ 614-638-9397, or
Paul Waldrop, Co-founder, Sr. Coach at pwaldrop@latreiacoaching.com/ 404-784-3771.