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God Morning: Edition #3 - Mamma Mia!

Updated: Aug 9, 2024

God Morning my brothers and sisters…hoping this message finds you all well. Been battling a cold myself, but I'm on the mend and the business is holding up, which is always good news. Wishing you all the best too! 


So, here’s a little story from last week. My wife and I finally managed to sneak in a date night—dinner and 'Mamma Mia' live, which was awesome. Prior to the show, we went to this classic spot we love, right by the theatre. It was in its new location but still felt like the good old place.  We got seated right away, but we could tell pretty quickly that service was crawling. They were short on staff, and the poor waitress and the one bartender were hustling big time. 


We started to get a bit worried at first, and it was hard not to catch the impatience bug since the whole place was buzzing with folks anxious about making it to the show. Food was taking its sweet time, drinks even more so, and the mood was tipping towards grumpy and hangry. It was getting louder and louder, and it was one waitress against 15 or more unhappy people she was serving.  Then it hit me, I had a flashback to a comedian's joke about taking a chill pill when you're feeling too entitled. It made me think, here we are getting all worked up over a few extra minutes waiting for our meal, but humbled by the thought that there are people out there who've got way bigger problems, like not knowing where their next meal's coming from or if they can drink water without getting sick. 


That realization shook me a bit and made me reflect on what is our Friday Fly-By word, it's from Psalm 100:4 and it says, 'Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name'.  Thank you, Lord! 


What a great reality check, you guys feeling it?!?  Do you take the time to appreciate what's in front of us. So, my wife and I decided to go with the flow, soak in the good times, not get involved in the stress and arguments ensuing.  We decided to be the safe table for our waitress, and you could feel her relief when she approached our table.   You know what? The night turned out brilliant. Everyone got their tasty meals, drinks eventually arrived, and everyone caught the show just fine.  Well before the curtains went up. 


It was a moment that really made me think about gratitude and empathy. It's too easy to forget to be thankful when little things go awry. So next time you're in a spot where things aren't super smooth, try to remember how blessed you are to be there in the first place. Let's aim to understand more and thank more. 


Hope this story touched you today and gets you thinking to add a bit of positivity to your day. Let's pass that gratitude around!  Have a great weekend everyone…and as always, love you all!  Be blessed and go be a blessing!!! 

For more information or to inquire about our holistic coaching services, reach out to:

J.A. Dava, Co-founder, Sr. Coach at 614-638-9397, or

Paul Waldrop, Co-founder, Sr. Coach at 404-784-3771.


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