Good morning, my brothers and sisters! Hope your week of making a difference is going well. You know, it's humbling to reflect on how far we've come since starting our business. I handled business development and knew it was crucial to tap into my network. In that process, I found a name I hadn't considered reaching out to in years due to some toxic vibes I was experiencing from their group. As an individual, he was great but, in his group, he was not the same person. In fact, I remember asking a colleague to handle that account because it was affecting me negatively, I handed that account over to a colleague, but the result was that I lost touch with a person I once called a friend.
When I opened my own business, that friend reached out and wished me well. At first, I wasn't sure about reconnecting, but when we spoke, he was the same caring, capable person I'd known, just freed from the toxic environment he'd been stuck in. hearing his story, I am sure It took courage to leave, but he thrived on his own, becoming an inspiring example of our Friday Fly by Word which comes from 2nd Corinthians 6:14 and it says 'Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?' Today, I have the privilege of serving his group again, and I see the character I always believed in, the leader I knew he could be. He had to realize his potential, and now he's living up to it.
As a coach for over 25 years, I've seen partnerships thrive and struggle. One particular partnership involved a younger partner who relied heavily on a more experienced colleague who was as dedicated, but compromised, often dumping responsibilities on the younger partner and became abusive to the younger partner. Eventually, they had to part ways, even though it wasn't an easy decision. The younger not knowing if he could do it on his own. Guess what, after separating, the younger partner found their rhythm and purpose. Here's the twist: that younger partner was me.
The lesson is clear: assess your partnerships, your friendships, your circle—do they inspire or hold you back? Trust your instincts. If something feels wrong, make the change. Surround yourself with people who support your vision. The toughest decisions often lead to the best blessings.
Thanks for reading and I hope this inspires you today. Love you all and as always, Be blessed, and go be a blessing to others!
For more information or to inquire about our holistic coaching services, reach out to:
J.A. Dava, Co-founder, Sr. Coach at 614-638-9397, or
Paul Waldrop, Co-founder, Sr. Coach at 404-784-3771.