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You Will Be a Brand-New Race Car | God Morning #17

God morning my brothers and sisters, 


Wow, we're already halfway through the year! I hope you're enjoying a fantastic summer and that all is well. Recently, I realized I had subtly let go of a daily habit that was incredibly beneficial for me: waking up at 4:30 AM and accomplishing so much before 7:30 AM. Gradually, this change led to the formation of less productive habits, affecting my spiritual, physical, and mental well-being. Reflecting on this, I see how much it disrupted my life. The greatest part is that it is never to late to make a change.  How about you? Is there any habit you need to re-establish? 


In 2008, I faced a life-altering moment when I suffered a heart attack. After a successful stent was installed, my doctor told me something that would change my life: "You’ll feel like a brand-new race car after surgery, but you must change your habits and start training your body, out with the bad and in with the good habits." He emphasized the importance of cardiovascular exercise, suggesting that I begin with walking and eventually, maybe working up to jogging. 


This advice was a wake-up call. I realized that to reap the benefits of a new lease on life, I had to sow the seeds of good habits. Today, at 60, I have successfully completed 11 marathons. This new commitment to positive habits has kept me going strong, reinforcing the truth behind Darren Hardy’s principle: "Small, smart choices + Consistency + Time = Radical Difference." This journey has taught me the profound impact of making consistent, smart decisions over time. 


As we reflect on our lives, it's crucial to ask ourselves: What one habit should we purge? What one habit should we start training ourselves in? It’s never too late to make a positive change. Just as I transformed my health and vitality through consistent, small steps, you can achieve radical differences in your life by sowing the right seeds.  This applies to all your well-beings, Spiritual, Relational, Physical, Vocational and Philanthropical. 


This reminds me of our Friday Fly-by word of the week which comes from Galatians 6:7 and it says 'Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.' We all have a choice, choose good habits and purge those that are not. 


Take comfort in knowing that by making small, smart choices and being consistent over time, you can transform any part of your life. Trust in God’s plan, and let your actions reflect the changes you wish to see. 


As always, hope this touched you today, love you all and go, Be blessed and go be a blessing!  Have a beautiful weekend. 


For more information or to inquire about our holistic coaching services, reach out to:

J.A. Dava, Co-founder, Sr. Coach at 614-638-9397, or

Paul Waldrop, Co-founder, Sr. Coach at 404-784-3771.


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